D'Entrecasteaux Point
Ensuite on reprend la route direction Walpole, en traversant des forêts de karris gigantesques ! Walpole, célèbre donc pour sa forêt d'arbres géants des Tingles (des eucalyptus encore, comme les karris, mais un peu plus rouge) et son chemin en haut des arbres: le Tree Top Walk. C'est sympa, ca permet à Catherine qui a pas pu grimper le Gloucester tree de voir les arbres d'en haut. Ca ne monte "qu'à 40m" mais on n'apprecie pas vraiment la hauteur, à moins de lacher quelque chose d'en haut (4secondes pour un crachat pour toucher le sol, ca fait pas mal...)
Moi sur le Tree Top Walk (si si regardez bien) - Me on the Tree Top Walk (have a closer look !)
Un gros arbre... - A big tingle tree...
Pour finir la journée, on se trouve un joli coin pour dormir à Cosy Corner, à 50m de la plage. Plage infestée de Bluebottle Jellyfish,c a rappelle des souvenirs. Il fait toujours pas très beau, mais on s'en contentera !
Today, we're waking up on a rest area...it's raining, it's cold, great! We keep going on the road to D'Entrecasteaux N.P. Have a breakfeast there and enjoy the first no-rain time to have a small walk around Tookulup and D'Entrecasteaux Point. The coastline here reminds me what I saw in South Australia, along the Yorke Peninsula (alright, maybe it's just because of the weather !).
Then, we go back on the road, toward Walpole, going through massive forests of karri trees. Walpole, famous for its forest of huge Tingles (a kind of eucalytpus, like the karris, but red.) and its Tree Top Walk. It's nice, it allows Catherine who couldn't climb the trees in Pemberton to have the view from the top. It "only" goes to 40m though, enough to apprciate the height when you frop something from there.
After this time in the heights, back on the ground for a small trail between the tingles. Bushfires, bugs and disease dig the trunk and create all sorts of shapes in them. It's really interesting to walk there, and you feel really small...
Eventually, we find a nice spot to camp in Cosy Corner, 50m from the beach. Heaps of Bluebottle Jellyfish on the beach (I don't care, I won't swim, but it remembers me some moments on Redgate Beach...). It's always cloudy but that will do!